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Who are we?

Our Core is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving marginalized youth in Newburgh, New York. Our mission is to empower marginalized young people to uplift themselves and others through experiential and academic education. 

What is the problem we are working to resolve?

  1. Deficits in experience with local and regional community; and conflict resolution and leadership skills in our junior high and high school girls

  2. Financial strains our promising students undergo in completing their education 

  3. Disconnect between self, food and earth among Newburgh youth

What is our proposed solution?

To address these issues of our community, we designed three programs: 


Girls to Ladies is a character and life-skill development group for teen girls in which members collaborate through problem solving and community service.


Funding Academics allows us to fund academics and provide financial assistance to promising students.


AgriCultural Education introduces students to  food growing and earth stewarding through, leading them toward food and land sovereignty.

By engaging with Newburgh via these three programs, Our Core helps foster personal achievements and impactful community action amongst students. With the necessary support, Our Core is able to empower innovative Newburgh youth to lead with integrity, build with resiliency, and serve with sincerity. 

Our vision is a community without economic, political, nutritional, and environmental oppression.

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